Monday, April 17, 2006

My life (starting 8/06)

While in NYC I went to go see the Yale Schola. Tucked neatly inside the back cover was a schedule for next year. I've put it below (with commentary) for your enlightnment.

Chiarosucro III: Contrast of Light and Shade
Saturday October 21,Sprague Memorial Hall (New Haven)
I don't know what this is! But it sounds interesting. Perhaps next year we'll do "Beneath the Planet of Chiaroscuro: Chiaroscuro IV: or Chiaroscuro: Revenge and Fury. Certainly someone will suggest alternate sequel titles!

National Collegiate Choral Organization; First National Convention
Thursday November 2
Scottish Rite Temple (San Antonio, Tx)

Ensemble Europeen William Byrd, Paris - Graham O'Reilly, Director
Residency with the Yale Schola Cantorum and Graduate Voice Soloists
Music of Henry Du Mont and of the French Baroque
Saturday November 11 - St. Mary's Church (New Haven)

I suspect that the DuMont will be like unto the Charpentier I did with them a few years ago....Lots of chesty haute-contre singing, and a metric sh%tpile of 'gear shifting'

New Music New Haven
Three New Motets - Stucky
November 16, Sprague Memorial Hall (New Haven)
I think that the Chorale Premiered these in the fall?

HELMUTH RILLING CONDUCTS BACH CANTATASwith Yale Schola Cantorum, soloists and Yale Collegium.Saturday January 20th, Sprague Memorial Hall (New Haven)
I am literally crapping my pants on this one! As an intersting aside (as though the "pants-crapping" wasn't enough) is that Mr. Taylor actually has a Helmuth Rilling bobble head in his office.

Yale Center for British Art: Art and Music in Britain
Thursday, February 15, Yale Center for British Art
I can guess the rep for the Britten, but have no idea on the Tippett. There better be the Spriritual from a Child of Our Time, or I'm going to feel cheated! Furthermore, everything else Tippet wrote for choir are Ridikullus hard! Of course this being contemporary music will redeem the entire experience in the opinion of Herr Voegler!

Newly Commisioned Work by Tarik O Reagan
Sunday March 4, Woolsey Hall

Dietrich Buxtehude's Membra Jesu Nostri with Yale Collegium
Saturday March 31, Grace Epsicopal (Hartford)
Sunday April 1, Christ Church (New Haven)
Monday April 2, St Michael's Church (New York City)
I did this with a group last year and fell in love with the work so I'm pumped to do it again!

Guest Appearance with the Yale Collegium Musicum
Thursday April 19, Beinicke Rare Book and Manuscript Library (New Haven)
Wonder what we'll do! Knowing Simon something wonderfully early and unknown. Perhaps it's the chance to bring lesser known music to light that make this type of thing so exciting.

May 29 - June 8 TOUR OF SW FRANCE!!!!!
Concerts in Touloouse, Bordeaux, and Rocamadour
My understanding is that this is a part of my duties, funding generously underwritten by NOT ME! My suspcicion is that if Mel gets hired by the ISM that she'll get to go for free as well! Of course, she has to apply for the jobs first. Apparently it'll be posted in another month or so.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Livin' in the City

So I've been in NYC for a few days now and am really starting to find my way around....

Hammer keeps harping at me about going to do something fun (Personally I found singing at Trinity Church Wall St. pretty damn fun, as was my race to St. John the Unfinished for noontime eucharist)

So it's survey time.......what should I do while here???? I've got the free time!