Friday, November 02, 2007


My Colloquium is over, which is one of the major portions of my degree (in lieu of a Thesis). This is obviously a load off.

During this process the following picture of Gaetano Guadagni (a castrato) came up.

So look a the picture....what do you see? I'm particularly concerned about his trouser legs.

Are those leggings, or a pair of hands holding gelders? This was not realized by my colloquium partner and I until this image was blow up and put on the giant screen at the Institute, quite a funny moment now that it is over!

So what's left on my to do list?

Ardo - Monteverdi Madrigals...memorized and staged....Hell I've got one more week to get this done.

Transcribe and edit a motet by Johann Walther

Sing Messiah with famous german conductor Helmuth R, and so impress him by my musicianship that he hires me for every performance with offers of appropriate solo for the remainder of my life (a la 'all-you-can-eat')

Go sing in a posh, really posh, Bach Christmas Oratorio in L'ville



Drink a LOT of coffee.


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