Worth getting out of bed for!
So it was a complete surprise to me when this evening's service began at ECY (episcopal church at yale) when our clergy processed and a distinguished looking gent in Anglican Dress processed with our clergy. I wondered who he could possibly be.
During the Gloria I thought, Holy Sh*t, that's Peter Gomes. I wonder if he's going to give the sermon.
Sure enough, Peter Gomes was indeed the speaker this evening. It wasn't planned but it worked out!
Just in case you need a refresher, Peter Gomes is the current chaplain at Harvard who wrote a text a few years back entitled "The Good Book". It was for me, a work that allowed me to renounce the bibliolatry of my upbringing and appreciate scripture for the first time.
So it's time to go to the bookstore and buy a copy if you've not already. As for me, I'm going to be rereading it this evening!
I am so jealous - The Good Book is on my personal list of most influential books to have changed my life. I'd love for you to give a reader's digest version of some of the high points!
I really liked that book too. Epley was the one who told me to check it out. The book helped give a body to the thoughts that were already gnawing at my mind about the narrow interpetations of scripture that just bothered me.
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