Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Music Library Orientation

So here is the place where I'll be spending a LOT of time...... This is the Music Library!

Today began with a tour, which was cut short while we were in the stacks. Let me tell you about he stacks, Long 15 ft rows of metal shelves about 2 feet apart. Oh, it's dark! You have to push a little button and find your book or score before it automatically turns off.

So there we are, in the stacks when a light begins to flash and a very pleasant, slightly English voice says, "There is a reported fire emergency in the Library, please walk to the nearest exit and leave the building" Someone in our group said something about how nice that sort of fire alarm was, compared to the usual earsplitting shreik.......they had just gotten the sentence finished when the usual earsplitting shreik began.

So that's it for today....just a little, slightly funny anecdote! Posted by Picasa


Blogger Miss T said...

that's the music library? Jesus. do you have to take your shoes off before you walk in? I bet they aren't allowed to clean with Pledge, either. No...that wood looks REAL!

9:56 PM  

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