Sunday, September 10, 2006

A retrospective on my former job....

Now that I've been removed from my time at American Music Company, Inc. for a while, I'd like to point out some of my favorite customers over the years. I expect this to be a multiple-post series.

Please see the pic above. This woman is one serious voice teacher, and look out!!! She's got a microphone and knows how to use it.

I have no problem with the occasional pernikity comment, but some folks (i.e. the mugshot above) overtake the boundaries of occasional nastiness in less time than it takes me to type an email message. Miss Mary wasn't afraid to demand excellent service, even when her expectations were unreasonable or not in her best interest.

My favorite recollection of Miss Mary is the time she sent students into the store armed with only the basest information.

Student of Miss Mary: "I'm here to buy the Broadway Book"

Helpful Employee: "Which Broadway Book?"

SOMM: "The red one from Hal Leonard"

HE: "That's going to be difficult as Hal Leonard publishes several Broadway Collections, and I know of at least 3 of them that are red. Is there a particular title that you're looking for in that collection?"

SOMM: "Some piece by Rogers and Hammerstein"

As you can tell, Miss Mary is a fabulous teacher. She takes pride in instilling the specificity in her students that she demands from everyone else. Plus she looks damn fine with a microphone!

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