Gute Nacht, Frau Bluecher!

I think that one of the best things about having kids is being able to share some movie, book, or joke that you've always found meaningful in some way.
So in the spirit of that, Emma (the 6 year old) and I watched an old favorite. Sure, there are plenty of jokes she didn't get, but it was all worth it when we made it to "Puttin' on the Ritz"
Just when I was beginning to worry about parenthood I've realized that I made my kid laugh, and taught here a handy German phrase or two.
I don't think that she's ready for Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail or her first episode of South Park, but we're making progress!

...and how do you know if she's a witch??....
....I'm not dead yet....
....We are the Knight's who say nee....
(Those were the days. Want to shoot some bottle rockets into the pond tonight?)
I look forward to the days where I can share those kinds of things with my own children. Filling them with worldly knowledge, teaching them their first swear word and how to use it correctly (fuck can be used as all 7 parts of speech, afterall) and embarassing the hell out of them when they're teenagers. The possibilities are endless...
I'm trying to figure out a prepositional phrase. I had a litle trouble with a predicate nominative, but came up with one after a little thought.
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