Monday, October 30, 2006


FIRST, read the very succinct article below....a few observations follow.

LIBERTY, Mo. - A man was lucky to be alive Monday morning after his truck took an unexpected detour and crashed into the side of a building.

He was loading his pickup at the Skyline Apartments when the truck slipped out of gear, jumped a curb and flipped backwards into an apartment building.

The man tried to stop the truck, but he ended up falling beneath it, police told KCTV5 News.

He broke his leg but was expected to be okay.

No one was inside the apartment that the truck damaged as the time of the crash.

One neighbor did hear the crash.

"I was sitting in my bedroom, and all of a sudden, I hear metal and glass crunching. I've been worried about something like this happening, so I kind of knew what it was," said Ryan Glunt. "I looked out my window, (and) saw the truck and the guy laying there. I came outside and told someone to call an ambulance."

1. Hammer and I used to live in this complex.

2. This is the second place, formerly rented by us, to be the location of a freakish set of circumstances (e.g. our former apartment while at WJC was destroyed by a tornado after we moved out)

3. Frau Vogler and Herr Vogler currently reside in the duplex vacated by us 6/06. I hope they've paid up their renter's insurance premiums.

4. My spouse and I have tremendous unrealized supernatural powers that are only hampered by our occupation or ownership.

5. We promise to utilize our powers for good, and not for evil. But don't piss us off.....we won't hesitate to do what we deem necessary.


Blogger Herr Vogler said...


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